I woke up at 3:30am (as I often do - touch of insomnia) to find a huge spider on my door! Not tarantula size, but about the size of my palm, quite big enough to scare the bejeezus out of me! I grabbed my laptop and started writing status updates about it. The nice thing about the time difference is that when it’s 4am here, it’s the middle of the day for Sacramento where I come from so all my friends were up and commenting. (Status updates in red)
“OMG you guys it is 4am and I just found a giant spider in my room! Eeeeeekkkkk!!!!!”
After I wrote my first status update, I looked at the door and it was gone!
“Ok, so I looked up from my computer and he's not on the door any more. What's worse, seeing a spider or not seeing a spider? Oh Sh*t, he's on my desk now!”
“I called the reception guy and he came in but now we can't find it. All I can think of is it's behind the bed. Aack!”
The reception guy tried his best to find it but in the end he failed.
“So I've got at least two hours to hang out with my arachnid friend until sunrise... There's no way I'm going back to sleep. I'm sure I'll get used to it but it's only my first day so I'm freaked out!”
I sat in the center of my bed in the middle of the room until sunrise. Finally a bird started singing and I felt better, knowing the worst was over. I still shuddered to think that spider could be anywhere! So after breakfast I wandered down the street and decided to find another place to stay.
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